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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Weekday Religious Education?

It is a cooperative program of the churches for teaching the Bible and Christian principles to 3rd and 4th grade students in Morgan County.  The pupils are released from the Public Schools for up to one hour each week upon the written request of their parents.

Is it Constitutional?

Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in April 1952 the released time program (using no tax money) is constitutional.  The local program was organized in 1951 in accordance with a 1943 act of the Indiana General Assembly.

Why do we need Weekday Religious Education?

An average of less than 50% of the pupils enrolled were in Sunday School on the previous Sunday.  The average American child in Sunday School receives only 23 minutes of actual Bible instruction each week.  Weekday helps the church fulfill the great commission given by Christ to "Go. Teach..."

What is Taught?

The two-year course of study includes two semesters on the Life of Christ (New Testament) and two on Stories Jesus Heard (Old Testament heroes, leaders, and prophets).  The King James Version of the Bible is the textbook.  The teaching is non-denominational in outlook since children from many denominations attend the class.  The teachers emphasize the habits of daily prayer, daily Bible reading and weekly attendance at the church of each child's choice.

What about the Teachers?

The five teachers are employed by the Morgan County Weekday Board.  They are especially trained in the Bible and religious education.  Each teacher has an assistant who is also employed by the Board.

Where do the classes meet?

Churches or modular located near the school.  Classes are bussed when necessary.  When the children walk long distances, adults accompany them.  Weekday carries bodily injury insurance on all students.

How many are presently enrolled?

893 boys and girls were enrolled for the fall semester of 2018-2019 school year approximately 60% of the total eligible student enrollment in the third and fourth grades.

Who sponsors the program?

Principally the program is financed by the churches of Morgan County.  It is a program of the churches.  The churches supervise the program through the Weekday Board of Directors and Advisory Board members who are members of the churches in the county.  Individual contributions as well as contributions from civic and fraternal groups are accepted and appreciated.  Gifts may be sent to: Treasurer, Weekday Religious Education Inc., PO Box 1285, Martinsville, IN 46151.

Can parents visit classes?

Yes, they are always welcome with prior appointment.  We keep our classrooms locked for the safety of the students.  Permission must be granted before anyone can enter.

Are pupils taught to apply the lesson to their own lives?

Yes, a portion of each class session is devoted to teaching children how to apply Christian attitudes and principles of the lesson to their everyday living.

Is there any homework?

Yes and no!  Students are assigned a verse to memorize each week and given a list of verses to read each day.  Parents can help a great deal by reading these with their children and enouraging them with their Bible memory verse which is correlated to the lesson that was studied.

Can I make a contribution?

Yes, all contributions are appreciated and will be used to meet the costs of teaching supplies and other expenses.

Where can more information be obtained?

Write Weekday Religious Education, Inc. PO Box 1285, Martinsville, Indiana 46151 and ask for a speaker or for additional information .  If you have questions or concerns, you are welcome to attend the monthly board meeting held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at  the Martinsville Wesleyan Church 690 S. Mulberry St. Martinsville, IN. 46151 in the fellowship hall behind the church.

What do weekday pupils say about WRE?

"I read my Bible and pray more, and my parents and I are going to church now."

"I love coming to Weekday I wish we could come every year.  I feel so safe when I hear about God."

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